Paul D

Hi, I live in Belgium and am an active member of the Fountain Pens UK Facebook group (best group ever!).
I'm currently involved with #clubgrey (for grey inks) and generally learning about more inks (already at 200+ samples but there's so much more to discover...).

I also have a reasonable size collection of fountain pens (mainly at the budget end) but can't put these on Pensharing unless/until we have a Belgian chapter!

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7 received reviews (100% positive, 7/7)

Thanks for you inky order Paul - enjoy!

Jon R about listing SCRIBO Grigio 5ml 6 months ago.

Thanks again for the purchase & glad they reached you so soon

Darren H about listing Sailor Skikiori Okuyama 6 months ago.

Thanks again for the purchase & glad they reached you so soon

Darren H about listing Sailor Shikiori Rikyucha (brown/green) 6 months ago.